Bringing Beasts to Life! Mini Red Rex from Kenner Jurassic Park
Everyone knows that I'm a huge Jurassic Park fan. I always talk about going to the themed attractions at Universal Studios, spending my allowance on The Lost World arcade, and collecting various figures from conventions and store. After all, Jurassic Park was my first exposure to dinosaurs and science fiction. One of my favorite toys was the giant T. Rex dubbed the Red Rex by Kenner in 1993. Unfortunately, my figure is missing both arms, but I loved its design and color scheme. I didn't know the paint was modeled after the Rex's appearance in the novel until a few years ago. When I got the idea to start sculpting, one of my goals was to make a T. Rex figure based on the Kenner Red Rex. Instead of remaking the whole figure, I end up making my own stylized T. Rex. The arms weren't too exaggerated, the head did not evoke the Stand Winston design, and the body was not bulky. If you noticed, the sculpture is smaller than the Mokele Mbembe I made. Where I first made a lar...