Want to visit Jurassic Park at Universal Studios but can't make the trip to Florida or California? If you're around Brookfield Zoo, you are in luck!
Starting in July, Dinosaurs Everywhere! is an annual showcase of animatronic dinosaurs scattered throughout the zoo. The last time I went, I assumed it was going to be localized in one empty area of the zoo. Unlike previous years, there are a lot more dinosaurs exposed in different sections. I was used to seeing a couple of dinosaurs near the central fountain and then moving on towards the exhibit, but it was exciting to see what prehistoric creatures we will encounter along the way.
I didn't expect to find a sauropod at the front entrance!
A surprise to show a Cryolophosaurus at the Zoo.
What used to be one long neck dinosaur now turned to two T-Rexes!
Speaking more on the dinosaurs, the event has an impressive array of them. Out of the 40 dinosaurs shown, I've never heard of Datousaurus, Omeisaurus, and Segnosaurus to name a few. It was refreshing to learn more about different dinosaur species. For those thinking the exhibit will be filled with unknown dinosaurs, don't fret. A lot of classic dinosaurs we all know and love make a return, but with some slight modifications to look more scientifically accurate. As for the animatronics, they are decent. They're not going to be high quality and fluid like the Walking with Dinosaurs Live Experience or Jurassic Park/World theme parks, but the sudden moments where claws reach out, tails sway, and jaws open with loud otherworldly roars will attract your attention. There are enough dinosaurs to keep the dinosaur fanatics young and old entertained and in awe.
The aforementioned Datousaurus.
The Omeisaurus, which I mistook for an Apatosaurus.
And the pair of massive Segnosaurus!
As a dinosaur enthusiast, I appreciate the amount of details they put into their dinosaurs. One example was the addition of feathers on the Deinonychus pack, which correlates with dinosaurs sharing similar attributes with birds. On previous trips, they looked similar to Jurassic Park models, which was not scientifically accurate at the time. As for the other dinosaurs, the changes to their models make them unique and eye-catching to passing onlookers. It goes to show that dinosaur animatronics have gone a long way since their inception decades ago.
The updated Deinonychus: Bizarre to many, but eye catching nonetheless
Got to give props to the builders for constructing addition feathers on the dinosaurs.
I'm not going to showcase all dinosaurs, just a few because I want people to see for themselves. Nonetheless, I highly recommend you take the trip to see Dinosaurs Everywhere! The Brookfield Zoo enforces face mask cover, promotes social distancing, and presents hand sanitizer stations for your safety. If you want to take a break from the dinosaurs, there are plenty picnic tables and seating areas nearby real animal enclosures to keep everyone entertained while sitting down. There were moments where rhinos, giraffes, bears, and lions caught my attention, but broke the immersion of a dinosaur theme park. After all, it's called Brookfield Zoo, not Jurassic Park.
If you, your friends, or your family are interested in searching for dinosaurs, be sure to visit Brookfield Zoo's website for additional information so that you can to plan accordingly for your next visit.
In the end, go for the dinosaurs, but stay for the animals as well.
My favorite dinosaur: The Carnotaurus!
A Maiasaura Family
Ankylosaur: The Tank of the Dinosaur World
Stegosaurus: The Other Dinosaur Tank
Allosaurus: Another personal favorite of mine.
They got some flying reptiles as well!
A juvenile Majungasaurus: One small ruler of Madagascar!
Argentinosaurus: World's largest dinosaur and original centerpiece of the central fountain.
A trio of Ceratopsians in an almost natural habitat
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